When I got an upgrade to an iPhone 11 from my iPhone 7, I didn’t expect it to surpass the photo quality of my husband’s Samsung Galaxy Note 9 but after a field test and a survey of my friends I was pleasantly surprised by the results
I had no intention on trading up from my iPhone 7.
For all my gripes about the poor battery life and inferior photo quality compared to the Samsung Galaxy phones and such, I was too used to the iOS operating system and had no interest in learning the Android system.
My threats to abandon Apple were empty.
Also, I noticed that the newer generation of phones are doing away with the Touch ID logon in place of facial recognition touch less login
I previously read articles about the faultiness of this technology, especially when it comes to darker faces and skin, as in the ones I have, so I wasn’t too keen to have to deal with any potential hassles I foresaw in facial recognition bias.
Finally, I understood from reviews I’ve read that the iPhone 11 had an A13 micoprocessing chip which made it super fast, but overall, I have been really happy with the A10 Fusion in my iPhone 7 and saw no need to upgrade to the 8 or XR when those phones came out.
I do recognize that the A12 Bionic chip that came in last year’s iPhone XR uses artificial intelligence and a neural engine to improve task efficiency making it smarter and faster than the 7 but I am not sure the difference was too noticeable.
Also, I know with more tech comes heavier phones.
Years ago, I had the iphone 6PLUS and found that is was way too large for my small hands and didn’t fit into my pants clip or anywhere.
I was actually happy to go down in size with the 7 back in 2017.

As I expected, the 11 is several inches wider and longer and close in size to the Samsung Galaxy 9 which my husband has and which I think is too large for me.
The iPhone 7 and iPhone 11 both run on iOS, Apple’s mobile operating system for iPhones and iPads. This means I get the same level of security, privacy, services, and software updates straight from Apple as soon as they’re available.
The only reason for me to switch would be to experience better video and quality because I also own a YouTube channel.
I sometime publish photos I take on my smart phone for my various blogs.
The other reason to upgrade has to do with battery life.
I need more time because I am always at events and need extended battery power to handle my use and the numerous battery draining apps I keep on my phone.
Before making the final decision to switch and trade up, I decide to do a test of the camera quality by taking the same three image/shot using the iPhone 7, the iPhone 11 and the Samsung Galaxy 9.
The results are eye popping.

The crispest image with best visual depth quality to the naked untrained eye was the photo above and most guessed it was the Samsung Galaxy 9 because we have been told and have experienced it for having the best photo.
However, the above photo is the iPhone11 and the one below was taken by the Samsung.

Here are the other photos in the test and and most are comparable.
iPhone 11 Samsung Galaxy 9 iPhone 7

Overall, although I was doing quite fine with my iPhone 7, the longer battery life and superior image and video quality which puts it closer to and in some instances past the Samsung Galaxy phone quality has convinced me it is a right decision to trade up and keep the iPhone 11.
Also, I’ve been loving the facial recognition logon, I don’t even have to have the phone up all the way in front of my face for it to come on! Nice!
And I must say, the extended battery life is much appreciated. When I got the phone in the middle of the morning, it was about 60% charged and I set it up and it did not need a recharge while unplugged until the next afternoon! Amazing! My iPhone 7 would have drained in about a few hours of not being plugged in.
So I’m going to stick with the upgrade!
Verizon has an iPhone11 for just $29.16 per month for a 24 month lease at the retail price of $699.99. You can reduce this amount by $100 or more with a trade in on an eligible line.
You can get this phone today for about $56 after you pay the $40 (or $20 if you order online) and the fees and state taxes.
AT&T is offering iPhone 11 for $34.99 as part of its Buy One Get One deal
Veizon has the Samsung Galaxy Note 10 is $45.83 per month on a 24 month lease for a total retail price of $1099.
AT&T is offering it up for way less at $31.34 on an installment plan.
Better yet, the iPhone 7 is absolutely free with a plan on Verizon right now and just $1.00 per month at AT&T.
TMobile, Boost Mobile and Metro by TMobile also has great deals for those of you on the hunt. And also, coming soon in prep for the Holiday season, look out for BestBuy, Walmart and other retailer to have deals.
Good luck!