Conference Call Etiquette Tips
Here are tips for managing online meetings Continue Reading
Here are tips for managing online meetings Continue Reading
It is an undisputed fact that snacking on high calorie, high fat, sugar and salt snacks does our diets in every time. The average American gets about 23 percent of daily calories from snacks. According to data from the National Health and… Continue Reading
The year 2017 will definitely go down in history for spawning the #MeToo Movement of mainly women victims of sexual harassment coming forward to lodge complaints against their perpetrators. The Tech industry was not immune. In fact, in a… Continue Reading
by Soulaima Gourani I was in Berlin a while ago, where I met one of Germany’s most successful female business executives. She is 42, single and excels in her line of work. It was recommended by a friend that she join… Continue Reading
Unlike progressive nations like Sweden, the United States doesn’t have federally mandated paternity leave for employers. Only 12 percent of US companies offer it. It’s quite cool to note that 5 of the top 10 companies with generous paternal leave… Continue Reading
Millennials get a bad rap in the workforce as being too entitled and not willing to work their way up to the top or respect process and their elders. The 18-35 demographic is also among the most studied generation… Continue Reading
Did your business incur expenses before you were technically “open for business”? Did you know that you can write off some of these expenses against your business as soon as you are operational? Read on for tips and information about… Continue Reading
Family businesses outperformed non-family businesses during the boom years leading up to the 2008 recession, and during the 2001 and 2008 recession years, a recent Harvard Business Review study found. “Non-family businesses can learn a lot from family businesses,” says… Continue Reading
The first challenge for wage-earners looking to become millionaire entrepreneurs is overcoming the fear of going it alone, but even after doing so, there are certain ways of thinking that they must change in order to become successful. Dr. Venus… Continue Reading