Half of Top 10 Companies with Generous Paternity Leave Policies are Tech Firms

Unlike progressive nations like Sweden, the United States doesn’t have federally mandated paternity leave for employers. Only 12 percent of US companies offer it. It’s quite cool to note that 5 of the top 10 companies with generous paternal leave… Continue Reading

Why family Businesses outperform non-family businesses

Family businesses outperformed non-family businesses during the boom years leading up to the 2008 recession, and during the 2001 and 2008 recession years, a recent Harvard Business Review study found. “Non-family businesses can learn a lot from family businesses,” says… Continue Reading

Think Like a BOSS: How to transition from Wage Earner to Startup millionaire

The first challenge for wage-earners looking to become millionaire entrepreneurs is overcoming the fear of going it alone,  but even after doing so, there are certain ways of thinking that they must change in order to become successful. Dr. Venus… Continue Reading